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Reloading a Frame into the i-zone

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Once you have exposed the frame in the test camera - you need to reload it back into the i-zone camera to develop it. Obviously all this needs to be done in the DARK to avoid spoiling the film. A
darkroom or changing bag is recommended. Now is also the time to remove the batteries from the i-zone if you happen to have put them back in after removing them before. Removing the batteries is just for safety as it stops the flash ready light and the flash itself from becoming active!

Open up the test camera remove and reinsert the i-zone frame into the i-zone camera as shown below. By holding one end against the end of the rubber guard at the slot end - you should find the frame fits fairly easily back into place. Then close the back and  pull the frame out of the slot as if you were using the i-zone camera normally.

Inside the i-zone showing the picture frame ready for developing

Thats it! Now wait a few minutes for the image to develop in the light and
view your results.

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